Monday, August 1, 2011

Vegging out

Yesterday I turned 27.
I weighed 173.3 pounds.
I should weigh around 125 ( That is my ideal BMI).
I am almost 50 pounds overweight. I am obese.
It is time for a change.

Today I started my 30 day pledge to Veg. I am excited. I have tried this before but life has always gotten in the way. The first time I went 17 days, then I found out I was pregnant. I was worried that I wasn't going to get everything I needed for the baby because I was probably not eating right, and my cravings were crazy. So, I quit. I have tried a couple more times but my willpower has taken a beating and I just can't seem to stick to it. So this time is for real. It has to be. My sister is getting married in 67 days. I would like to fit into a size12 bridesmaid's dress, and look hot in it. I want to not be winded when I chase my children around the house. I want to be healthy.

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